Galveston - Lone Star Rally.
By far the largest Texas hog rally, attracting 750,000 ill behaved curs. You can really smell the leather, without trying. The people we met were surprisingly well mannered not manured. Everyone wanted to pet Dot, the peace-maker that melts even the hardest hearts.
Police maintaining a respectful distance behind their barricades. You could really smell the doughnuts, without trying.
Food truck heaven. Big mistake, sick for a week thereafter. You could really smell the... oh never mind.
I can't believe I ate the whole thing. ( No, he didn't, I did! ~ Nan) Charlie ate a while on plate of fried potatoes. Then gave the rest to a passer by. The kitchen help used power tools to make the tower of potatoes and other stuff.
Born to be Mild. Yes but what is that creepy stain...
Renewing the online subscription of 'Skin and Ink' magazine.
Yes, girls ride too!
Product that sells. Night table?
The beautiful and more natural side of the Galveston area, historic with a gentle tide and sea breeze. |
With this kind of salt flats comes heaps of fish. And crazy mozzies with all the rain.
Heaps of fish. Red fish, sweet!
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